Privacy Policy

Last update: May 13, 2024

Hello, we are Agua!

In order to obtain a result that is closer to reality, when using our services through, we accept your data and we promise to handle it in the most responsible way possible. That is why in the Privacy Policy we tell you about what information we collect, the reason and the objective.

Data we obtain

By accessing the Agua Services, you are providing us with demographic information such as your name, age, and gender; and depending on the way to enter, your cell phone number and access credentials.

We may also collect data created from your interaction with the Agua Services, such as in-app posts, dwell time, access tokens, locations from which you access the Services, or any other interaction, not limited to examples given.

The reason and purpose of collecting some data

The information collected by the use of our Services is intended to provide you with a better experience. Our Services are constantly improving, so the collection, processing and study of your interaction, or that of any user, with the Services, is relevant in order to evolve together. For this, we collect or may collect information about your device such as characteristics, operations, identifiers, signals, networks, nearby connections, and cookie data.

The good management of information allows us to provide personalized services which would be within the framework of our main objective in Agua. The information coming from your data as a person and the interaction within Agua will help us to improve advertising services in the event that we decide to offer them in the content of the Services. The contact information will allow us to interact with you constantly and as quickly as possible. We may notify you about new postings, content updates, or new services offered on Agua; keeping a record to resolve differences that may arise.

For us it is very important to make it clear that we will not share the information that allows you to be identified with the different advertisers or collaborators, unless that is your intention. If so, you must write to the contact email that appears on our website ( or accept the consent that will be shown depending on the service to be used. Also, it is important that you know that the information collected to deliver statistical results to advertisers or interested parties will always give priority to the privacy of your information over non-public data.

Ownership of the data

Both Agua and the other parties interested in the data we collect through the Services do not have ownership of the data. Personal information of a public, semi-private or private nature belongs to each natural or legal person. The person, natural or legal, who wishes to use our Services, accepts the treatment of the data under the corresponding laws. Agua acts only as a data administrator, but it does not mean we do keep it in your own servers. We use thirdparty servers could be in a different location from our headquarters.

Data and information

Security data and information security is one of the most important aspects for Agua. However, any digital system that has a presence on the Internet is not 100% secure, so despite fighting for the protection of our information and your personal data, we cannot ensure absolute security. What we can tell you is that we will work hard to have the best commercial protection standards that we can reach.

Consultation of personal information

If you want to know the information that remains within the data repositories, it is necessary that you make a request through the means of communication that we offer on our website or within our Terms and Conditions of Use of Services. Remember that personal information will only be delivered to the natural or legal person who owns it, therefore, following the recommendations of the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce of Colombia, this process may require a written request and the recognition of the signature of the owner by a notary public. All in search of avoiding unwanted circularity of personal data.

Remember that for the request you wish to make there are also certain standards so that both you and we can have a complete understanding of the situation.

Data Analytics

At Agua we may use data analytics service providers who require certain access to the data we collect. However, in most cases, the information shared would have a prior anonymization process. Some of the third parties that offer related services may be, but are not limited to, Amazon Web Services, Google Analytics or Firebase.

Data and Information Storage

The location of the data we collect may be, physically or digitally, in another country. The best companies that offer data storage have, or may have, different data repositories around the world. Some companies that provide these services and in which Agua could take them at any time, without being limited to these, may be Amazon Web Services, GitHub or Firebase. And the reason why we save the data with them is because they have the best technology to prioritize security.

Last updated